aNewSpring is a 100% cloud based online learning solution that enables Training Providers and Employers to develop, curate and deliver exciting learning programs without limitation of time and location. The primary requirement is having access to the internet, the learning journey can begin.
Through our online learning platform powered by aNewSpring, we are able to plan, facilitate and delivery learning experience at the convenience of the Training Providers, Employers, Learners and Mentors. The use of computers, smartphones, tablets and other forms of hand held devices as long as they have access to the Internet forms the major component of e-learning.
Learners and employees will be able to proactively plan their learning paths and will have unlimited access to courseware at their convenience.
At one time, the major approach to learning was the ‘face-to-face’ learning in a classroom setting. With the arrival of computers and then the Internet, the new approach of e-learning became more popular. At regular times, other approaches to learning like ‘learning on the job’, the instruction and practice of skills and performance support return to the centre of attention. Every year, a new approach is ‘hot’: think about video, the 70:20:10 approach and micro-learning. It makes it hard to choose the best way to go. Attempts to integrate these approaches led to the concept of blended learning.
With all the learning interventions and approaches that exist today, the real ‘art’ is to create ‘the right blend’ of interventions that leads to the best results. Often, some type of e-learning is part of the blend, but not necessarily.
Some professionals suggest that all learning today is, or should be, a blend of different learning interventions to be effective, relevant and inspiring. From a professional perspective, the chosen blend should not be based on what is ‘hot’ at the moment, the personal preference of the learning designer or the design tool that is available.
GerDriesen, April 29, 2019
The right mix engages learners Free-up valuable classroom time for impactful trainer-student interactions and engage your learners online with videos, 360° assessments, quizzes, surveys, webinars and much more
All learners are unique. Strangely, most courses are still one-size-fits-all. The algorithms in aNewSpring automatically make your courses adapt to each individual learner
We learn from each other. Our community of learners and syndicate groups are a valuable source of knowledge in the learning process. Discussions tied to the learning content and peer review assignments will create powerful learning experience for all.
The global e-learning market is projected to see compound annual growth (CAGR) of 10.26% between 2018 and 2023. Reaching a total market size of US$286.62 billion, from US$159.52 billion in 2017.
In essence, Internet-based instruction is going some way to democratising learning and improving access to sound education in SA. And this is precisely why we are seeing not only revered traditional universities, like UCT, embrace the Web, but even colleges that specialise in more practical training, like The International Hotel School (IHS), make the virtual move and launch productive online campuses.
DayleKavonic, capetownmagazine.com
Organizations and learners will benefit as organizations ensure that there are better competition rates, and learners will enjoy the learning process as they get to see only that content that is personalized to them.
Suresh DN,elearningindustry.com
For Corporates
Corporates thrive when they are making an impact: allowing their employees to learn smarter and perform better. Minimising cost of travelling, logistics and organising training intervention. That’s what our platform helps you to do:
- Offer adaptive learning journeys for employees
- Blend classroom and online learning perfectly
- Build an online course, on the go and anyway you like it
- Enrol employees as they join the company, for all learning needs
- Create sub-environments for different divisions of the organisations
- Enable employees to have unlimited access to learning content
For Training Providers
Training Providers and Learning Institutions require online learning platform that will be able to facilitate safe, convenient and engaging learning journey for learners and students. In the modern time learning cannot only happen in class but it should be done anytime and on any device. Furthermore they are a key success factor for blended learning, especially when they use a powerful learning platform.
- Always have a clear overview of the learning objective and what to do next
- Facilitators have easy access to learner statistics and overviews of how your learners are doing
- Able to tailor Learning Journeys so they fit each learners’learning pace
- Allows learners to continuously engage on social learning
- Multiple format of assessments that encourage learners to increase knowledge retention
- Access to numerous to built-in powerful custom reports
- Facilitators and Lecturers can reach out and motivate your learners and students anytime
- Allow students and learners to submit assignments online
- Online calendar that enables management of learning key activities and milestones